Nitin Sharma
Nitin Sharma
Associate Professor
My current research interest lies in the field of Composite Structures, Vibroacoustics and Mathematical modeling
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Educational Qualification
Ph. D.
Research Interests
Vibro-acoustic Analysis of Composite Structures: I have worked on sound radiation from flat and curved shell panels Laminated/Sandwich composite structures/Curved structures with/without delamination: I have developed FE codes for obtaining deflection and vibration responses of composite structures with/without damage. Functionally Graded Material (FGM): Written codes for FE static and free vibration analysis of FG panels Numerical/Experimental mechanical responses FEM, BEM
Administrative Responsibility
FIC, International Students (SME)
Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) International Association of Engineers (IAENG) International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)
Ph. D.
Research Interests
Vibro-acoustic Analysis of Composite Structures: I have worked on sound radiation from flat and curved shell panels Laminated/Sandwich composite structures/Curved structures with/without delamination: I have developed FE codes for obtaining deflection and vibration responses of composite structures with/without damage. Functionally Graded Material (FGM): Written codes for FE static and free vibration analysis of FG panels Numerical/Experimental mechanical responses FEM, BEM
Administrative Responsibility
FIC, International Students (SME)
Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) International Association of Engineers (IAENG) International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)
Journals/Conferences :
1. Lallipeli, A. K., Panda, S. K., Sharma, N., Hirwani, C. K. and Topal, U. (2020) Optimal fiber volume fraction prediction of layered composite using frequency constraints- A hybrid FEM approach, Computers and Concrete, 25 (4) 303-310, DOI: 10.12989/cac.2020.25.4.303, Scopus (Accepted)
2. Numerical Eigenfrequency and Experimental Verification of Variable Cut-out (Square/Rectangular) Borne Layered Glass/Epoxy Flat/Curved Panel Structure, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, SCI, IF: 1.986 (Accepted)
3. Mehar, K., Panda, S. K. and Sharma, N. (2020), Numerical Investigation and Experimental Verification of Thermal Frequency of Carbon Nanotube- Reinforced Sandwich Structure, Engineering Structures (Accepted) (IF: 3.084) SCI.
4. Sahu, P., Sharma, N. and Panda, S. K. (2020), Numerical prediction and experimental validation of free vibration responses of hybrid composite (Glass/Carbon/Kevlar) curved panel structure, Composite Structures, 241, 112073, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112073, (IF: 4.829) SCI.
5. Ramteke, P. M., Panda, S. K. and Sharma, N. (2019), Effect of grading pattern and porosity on the eigen characteristics of porous functionally graded structure, Steel and Composite Structures, 33(6), 865-875, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2019.33.6.865, (IF: 3.889) SCI.
6. Pandey, H. K., Hirwani, C. K., Sharma, N., Katariya, P. V., Dewangan, H. C., and Panda, S. K. (2019) Effect of Nano Glass Cenosphere Filler on Hybrid Composite Eigenfrequency Responses - An FEM Approach and Experimental Verification, Advances in Nano Research, 7(6), 419-429, DOI: 10.12989/anr.2019.7.6.419, (IF: 2.109), SCIE.
7. Sharma, N., Lallipeli, A. K., Hirwani, C. K., Das, A., Panda, S. K., Topal, U. and Dede, T. (2019) Optimal deflection and stacking sequence prediction of curved composite structure using hybrid (FEM and Soft Computing) Technique, Engineering with Computers, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-019-00836-8, (IF: 3.551), SCIE.
8. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2019) Hygro-thermo-acoustic behaviour of curved sandwich shell panel structure, Engineering Structures, 197 (2019), 109355, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109355 (IF: 2.755), SCI.
9. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation responses of shear deformable laminated composite shell panel in hygrothermal environment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 431 (2018) 346-366, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.06.007, (IF: 2.593), SCI.
10. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. and Hirwani, C. K., (2018) Acoustic Radiation and Frequency response of Higher-Order Shear Deformable Multilayered Composite Doubly Curved Shell Panel -An Experimental Validation, Applied Acoustics, 133, 38–51, DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2017.12.013, (IF: 1.921 ), SCI-Expanded.
11. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic behaviour of shear deformable laminated composite flat panel using BEM and the higher order shear deformation theory, Composite Structures, 180, 116–129, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.08.012, (IF: 3.858), SCI.
12. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation properties of laminated composite flat panel in thermal environment: A higher-order finite-boundary element approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 232(18), 3235-3249, DOI: 10.1177/0954406217735866, (IF: 1.015), SCI.
13. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Thermoacoustic behaviour of laminated composite curved panels using higher-order finite-boundary element model, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10(2), 1850017:1-27, DOI: 10.1142/S1758825118500175, (IF: 1.954), SCI-Expanded.
14. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. and Katariya, P., (2018) Thermo-acoustic analysis of higher-order shear deformable laminated composite sandwich flat panel, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Material, 0(0), 1-29, DOI: 10.1177/1099636218784846, (IF: 2.933), SCI-Expanded.
15. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Vibroacoustic analysis of thermo-elastic laminated composite sandwich curved panel: A higher-order FEM-BEM approach, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 1–19, DOI: 10.1007/s10999-018-9426-5, (IF: 1.896), SCI-Expanded
16. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. and Mehar, K., (2018) Evaluation of vibroacoustic responses of laminated composite sandwich structure using higher-order finite-boundary element model, Steel and Composite Structures, 28(5), 629-639, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2018.28.5.629, (IF: 3.198), SCI.
17. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic analysis of un-baffled curved composite panels with experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 64 (1), 93-107, DOI: 10.12989/sem.2017.64.1.093, (IF: 1.118), SCI.
18. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Numerical Study of Vibro-Acoustic Responses of Un-Baffled Multi-Layered Composite Structure under Various End Conditions and Experimental Validation, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 14(8), 1547-1568, DOI: 10.1590/1679-78253830, (IF: 1.11), SCI-Expanded.
19. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic analysis of laminated composite plate structure by using structure-dependent radiation modes-An experimental validation, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, 25(5), 2706-2721, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2018.20420, (IF: 1.025), SCI-Expanded.
20. Dash, S., Mehar, K., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K, (2018) Modal analysis of FG sandwich doubly curved shell structure, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 68(6), 721-733, DOI: 10.12989/sem.2018.68.6.721, (IF: 1.118), SCI.
21. Dash, S., Mehar, K., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K, (2019) Finite element solution of stress and flexural strength of functionally graded doubly curved sandwich shell panel, Earthquakes and Structures, 16(1), 55-67, DOI: 10.12989/eas.2019.16.1.055, (IF: 1.309), SCI-Expanded.
1. Static Deflection Simulation Study of 2D Functionally Graded Porous Structure, Material Today Proceedings, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.03.537
2. Behera, R.K., Sharma, N., Parida, S. (2020) Finite Element Analysis of Buckling, Free Vibration and Flexure of Clamped Laminated Composite Plates in Variable Thermal Environment, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1151-1161.
3. Ranjan, S., Khan, R.R., Dash, S., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T.R. and Panda, S.K. (2019) Thermo-elastic free vibration analysis of functionally graded flat panel with temperature gradient along thickness, IConAMMA-2018, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 577,012123.
4. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Analysis of vibro-acoustic response of un-baffled laminated composite conical shell panel with varying thickness, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 377, 012139, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012139, ICMMRE-2017, Sikkim, India.
5. Sharma, N., Mahapatra T. R., Panda, S. K., Rout, A. K., and Sahu, P., (2017) Characterization of the Acoustic Radiation Properties of Laminated and Sandwich Composite Panels in Thermal Environment, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 338, 012031, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/338/1/012031, NCPCM-2017, India.
6. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Acoustic radiation characteristics of un-baffled laminated composite conical shell panels, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5, 24387–24396 (MATPR6897), IConAMMA-2017, India.
7. Dash, S., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K., and Sahu, P., (2018) Free vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich flat panel, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 377, 012140, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012140, ICMMRE-2017, India.
8. Behera, R.K., Garg, K., Patro, S.S. and Sharma, N. (2018) Eigen-frequency analysis of spherical shell laminated composite plates with and without central cutouts using finite elements, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 390(1), 012043.
9. Patro, S.S., Sutradhar, D., Behera, R.K. and Sharma, N. (2018) Free vibration analysis of stiffened laminated composite plate in a thermal environment, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 390(1),012040.
10. Behera, R.K., Patro, S.S., Sharma, N. and Joshi, K.K. (2018) Eigen-frequency Analysis of Stiffened Laminated Composite Plates Using Finite Elements, Materials Today: Proceedings 5(9), pp. 20152-20159. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.06.384.
11. Patro, S.S., Behera, R.K. and Sharma, N. (2018) Prediction of free vibration responses of orthotropic stiffened flat panels, Materials today: proceedings 5(9):20170-20176, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.06.386.
12. Dewangan, S., Mahapatra, T.R. and Sharma, N., (2016) Flexural analysis of laminated composite flat panel, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Mechanical, Material Science, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aerospace Engineering and Applied Physics” (AMAEAP-2016), JNU, New Delhi, 30th April, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, 3(3), 219-223.
13. Sharma, N., Zhu, J., Tanaka, T. and Saito, Y. (2014) Feature extraction based 3D model registration for surface finish quality evaluation, Advanced Materials Research., 1017, 141-146, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1017.141.
14. Agarwal, S., Dash, B., Saini, P., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T.R. and Panda, S.K. Vibroacoustic analysis of un-baffled layered composite plate under thermal environment, IConAMMA-2018 (accepted, to be published in Materials Today proceedings).
15. Behara, R.K., Sharma, N. and Parida, S.K. Finite element analysis of flexural, buckling and free vibration of clamped laminated composite plates in variable thermal environment, IC-RIDME2018 (accepted, to be published in Springer book volume).
16. N. Sharma, J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, “Feature Extraction Based 3D Model Registration for Surface Finish Quality Evaluation”, 17th ISAAT, 2014 Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1017 (2014) pp 141-146, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1017.141
17. N. Sharma, J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, “3D Model Registration based on Feature Extraction using Segmentation”, in: proceedings of Japan Society of Precision Engineering Conference, Mar. 18-19, 2014, Tokyo, Japan, doi: 10.11522/pscjspe.2014S.0_1145
18. N. Sharma, J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, “3D Model Registration and Evaluation”, in: proceedings of 5th MISW, pp. 81, Aug. 8-9, 2013, Tokyo, Japan.
1. Lallipeli, A. K., Panda, S. K., Sharma, N., Hirwani, C. K. and Topal, U. (2020) Optimal fiber volume fraction prediction of layered composite using frequency constraints- A hybrid FEM approach, Computers and Concrete, 25 (4) 303-310, DOI: 10.12989/cac.2020.25.4.303, Scopus (Accepted)
2. Numerical Eigenfrequency and Experimental Verification of Variable Cut-out (Square/Rectangular) Borne Layered Glass/Epoxy Flat/Curved Panel Structure, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, SCI, IF: 1.986 (Accepted)
3. Mehar, K., Panda, S. K. and Sharma, N. (2020), Numerical Investigation and Experimental Verification of Thermal Frequency of Carbon Nanotube- Reinforced Sandwich Structure, Engineering Structures (Accepted) (IF: 3.084) SCI.
4. Sahu, P., Sharma, N. and Panda, S. K. (2020), Numerical prediction and experimental validation of free vibration responses of hybrid composite (Glass/Carbon/Kevlar) curved panel structure, Composite Structures, 241, 112073, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112073, (IF: 4.829) SCI.
5. Ramteke, P. M., Panda, S. K. and Sharma, N. (2019), Effect of grading pattern and porosity on the eigen characteristics of porous functionally graded structure, Steel and Composite Structures, 33(6), 865-875, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2019.33.6.865, (IF: 3.889) SCI.
6. Pandey, H. K., Hirwani, C. K., Sharma, N., Katariya, P. V., Dewangan, H. C., and Panda, S. K. (2019) Effect of Nano Glass Cenosphere Filler on Hybrid Composite Eigenfrequency Responses - An FEM Approach and Experimental Verification, Advances in Nano Research, 7(6), 419-429, DOI: 10.12989/anr.2019.7.6.419, (IF: 2.109), SCIE.
7. Sharma, N., Lallipeli, A. K., Hirwani, C. K., Das, A., Panda, S. K., Topal, U. and Dede, T. (2019) Optimal deflection and stacking sequence prediction of curved composite structure using hybrid (FEM and Soft Computing) Technique, Engineering with Computers, DOI: 10.1007/s00366-019-00836-8, (IF: 3.551), SCIE.
8. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2019) Hygro-thermo-acoustic behaviour of curved sandwich shell panel structure, Engineering Structures, 197 (2019), 109355, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109355 (IF: 2.755), SCI.
9. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation responses of shear deformable laminated composite shell panel in hygrothermal environment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 431 (2018) 346-366, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2018.06.007, (IF: 2.593), SCI.
10. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. and Hirwani, C. K., (2018) Acoustic Radiation and Frequency response of Higher-Order Shear Deformable Multilayered Composite Doubly Curved Shell Panel -An Experimental Validation, Applied Acoustics, 133, 38–51, DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2017.12.013, (IF: 1.921 ), SCI-Expanded.
11. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic behaviour of shear deformable laminated composite flat panel using BEM and the higher order shear deformation theory, Composite Structures, 180, 116–129, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.08.012, (IF: 3.858), SCI.
12. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation properties of laminated composite flat panel in thermal environment: A higher-order finite-boundary element approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 232(18), 3235-3249, DOI: 10.1177/0954406217735866, (IF: 1.015), SCI.
13. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Thermoacoustic behaviour of laminated composite curved panels using higher-order finite-boundary element model, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10(2), 1850017:1-27, DOI: 10.1142/S1758825118500175, (IF: 1.954), SCI-Expanded.
14. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. and Katariya, P., (2018) Thermo-acoustic analysis of higher-order shear deformable laminated composite sandwich flat panel, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Material, 0(0), 1-29, DOI: 10.1177/1099636218784846, (IF: 2.933), SCI-Expanded.
15. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Vibroacoustic analysis of thermo-elastic laminated composite sandwich curved panel: A higher-order FEM-BEM approach, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 1–19, DOI: 10.1007/s10999-018-9426-5, (IF: 1.896), SCI-Expanded
16. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K. and Mehar, K., (2018) Evaluation of vibroacoustic responses of laminated composite sandwich structure using higher-order finite-boundary element model, Steel and Composite Structures, 28(5), 629-639, DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2018.28.5.629, (IF: 3.198), SCI.
17. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic analysis of un-baffled curved composite panels with experimental validation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 64 (1), 93-107, DOI: 10.12989/sem.2017.64.1.093, (IF: 1.118), SCI.
18. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Numerical Study of Vibro-Acoustic Responses of Un-Baffled Multi-Layered Composite Structure under Various End Conditions and Experimental Validation, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 14(8), 1547-1568, DOI: 10.1590/1679-78253830, (IF: 1.11), SCI-Expanded.
19. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2017) Vibro-acoustic analysis of laminated composite plate structure by using structure-dependent radiation modes-An experimental validation, Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, 25(5), 2706-2721, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2018.20420, (IF: 1.025), SCI-Expanded.
20. Dash, S., Mehar, K., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K, (2018) Modal analysis of FG sandwich doubly curved shell structure, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 68(6), 721-733, DOI: 10.12989/sem.2018.68.6.721, (IF: 1.118), SCI.
21. Dash, S., Mehar, K., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K, (2019) Finite element solution of stress and flexural strength of functionally graded doubly curved sandwich shell panel, Earthquakes and Structures, 16(1), 55-67, DOI: 10.12989/eas.2019.16.1.055, (IF: 1.309), SCI-Expanded.
1. Static Deflection Simulation Study of 2D Functionally Graded Porous Structure, Material Today Proceedings, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.03.537
2. Behera, R.K., Sharma, N., Parida, S. (2020) Finite Element Analysis of Buckling, Free Vibration and Flexure of Clamped Laminated Composite Plates in Variable Thermal Environment, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 1151-1161.
3. Ranjan, S., Khan, R.R., Dash, S., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T.R. and Panda, S.K. (2019) Thermo-elastic free vibration analysis of functionally graded flat panel with temperature gradient along thickness, IConAMMA-2018, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 577,012123.
4. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Analysis of vibro-acoustic response of un-baffled laminated composite conical shell panel with varying thickness, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 377, 012139, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012139, ICMMRE-2017, Sikkim, India.
5. Sharma, N., Mahapatra T. R., Panda, S. K., Rout, A. K., and Sahu, P., (2017) Characterization of the Acoustic Radiation Properties of Laminated and Sandwich Composite Panels in Thermal Environment, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 338, 012031, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/338/1/012031, NCPCM-2017, India.
6. Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R. and Panda, S. K., (2018) Acoustic radiation characteristics of un-baffled laminated composite conical shell panels, Materials Today: Proceedings, 5, 24387–24396 (MATPR6897), IConAMMA-2017, India.
7. Dash, S., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T. R., Panda, S. K., and Sahu, P., (2018) Free vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich flat panel, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 377, 012140, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/377/1/012140, ICMMRE-2017, India.
8. Behera, R.K., Garg, K., Patro, S.S. and Sharma, N. (2018) Eigen-frequency analysis of spherical shell laminated composite plates with and without central cutouts using finite elements, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 390(1), 012043.
9. Patro, S.S., Sutradhar, D., Behera, R.K. and Sharma, N. (2018) Free vibration analysis of stiffened laminated composite plate in a thermal environment, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 390(1),012040.
10. Behera, R.K., Patro, S.S., Sharma, N. and Joshi, K.K. (2018) Eigen-frequency Analysis of Stiffened Laminated Composite Plates Using Finite Elements, Materials Today: Proceedings 5(9), pp. 20152-20159. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.06.384.
11. Patro, S.S., Behera, R.K. and Sharma, N. (2018) Prediction of free vibration responses of orthotropic stiffened flat panels, Materials today: proceedings 5(9):20170-20176, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.06.386.
12. Dewangan, S., Mahapatra, T.R. and Sharma, N., (2016) Flexural analysis of laminated composite flat panel, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Mechanical, Material Science, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aerospace Engineering and Applied Physics” (AMAEAP-2016), JNU, New Delhi, 30th April, Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, 3(3), 219-223.
13. Sharma, N., Zhu, J., Tanaka, T. and Saito, Y. (2014) Feature extraction based 3D model registration for surface finish quality evaluation, Advanced Materials Research., 1017, 141-146, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1017.141.
14. Agarwal, S., Dash, B., Saini, P., Sharma, N., Mahapatra, T.R. and Panda, S.K. Vibroacoustic analysis of un-baffled layered composite plate under thermal environment, IConAMMA-2018 (accepted, to be published in Materials Today proceedings).
15. Behara, R.K., Sharma, N. and Parida, S.K. Finite element analysis of flexural, buckling and free vibration of clamped laminated composite plates in variable thermal environment, IC-RIDME2018 (accepted, to be published in Springer book volume).
16. N. Sharma, J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, “Feature Extraction Based 3D Model Registration for Surface Finish Quality Evaluation”, 17th ISAAT, 2014 Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1017 (2014) pp 141-146, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1017.141
17. N. Sharma, J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, “3D Model Registration based on Feature Extraction using Segmentation”, in: proceedings of Japan Society of Precision Engineering Conference, Mar. 18-19, 2014, Tokyo, Japan, doi: 10.11522/pscjspe.2014S.0_1145
18. N. Sharma, J. Zhu, T. Tanaka, Y. Saito, “3D Model Registration and Evaluation”, in: proceedings of 5th MISW, pp. 81, Aug. 8-9, 2013, Tokyo, Japan.