Pruthwiraj Sahu
Assistant Professor- II
Dr. Pruthwiraj Sahu is currently working as an Assistant Professor (II) in the School of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar since 2014. He has completed his Ph.D. at KIIT and M.Tech. at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Kharagpur) in Mechanical Systems Design specialization, 2013. He has over 14 years of teaching experience and two years of industry experience in Annealing area (Operation) at Jindal Steel Plant, Kolkata. He has already taught Engineering Mechanics, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Machine Dynamics, Mechanics of Solid, Machine Design courses to UG students. He has guided many B.Tech. project students and one M.Tech. student as a co-supervisor. He has published a good number of research papers in reputed international journals and presented papers in international conferences. His broad research areas are Development and Analysis (both Static and Dynamic) of FRP Composite laminates.
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Ph. D (Mechanical Engineering)
Research Interests
Development and Stuctural Analysis of Composite Laminates, Staic and Dynamic Analysis of FRP Composite
Administrative Responsibility
Member of School level NBA Committee
Awards & Honours
Honours in B.Tech.
Indian Science Congress (ISC)
Outreach Activity
Board panel member for the promotion interview of DRDO employees (Diploma Engineers) at ITR Chandipur, Balasore in 2013
Journal papers:
1. Sahu, P., Parida, S. K., & Mantry, S. (2019). Effect of agglomerated zirconia-toughened mullite on the mechanical properties of giant cane fiber mat epoxy laminated composites. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal, 70(2), 233-243.
2. Sahu, P., & Parida, S. K. (2019, November). Effect of cenosphere filler on the hardness and impact strength of wild cane fibre mat reinforced laminated composites. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 653, No. 1, p. 012044). IOP Publishing.
3. Sahu, P., Sharma, N., & Panda, S. K. (2020). Numerical prediction and experimental validation of free vibration responses of hybrid composite (Glass/Carbon/Kevlar) curved panel structure. Composite Structures, 241, 112073.
4. Behera, A., Sahu, P., Mohapatra, S. K., & Ghadei, S. K. (2020). Characterization of carbon based nanofibers in nanocomposites and their applications. Materials Today: Proceedings, 33, 5714-5719.
5. Sahu, P., Sharma, N., & Panda, S. K. (2020). Numerical eigen-frequencies of hybrid fiber composite curved shell panels. Materials Today: Proceedings, 26, 2168-2172.
6. Sahu, P., Sharma, N., & Panda, S. K. (2021). Multi-layer advanced fiber hybridisation (glass-carbon-Kevlar) and variable stiffness effect on composite structure responses (stress and deformation): An FE approach. Scientia Iranica, 28(5), 2701-2718.
7. Sahu, P., Sharma, N., Dewangan, H. C., & Panda, S. K. (2021). Experimental verification of multi-fibre hybridization influence on dynamic deflection and stress values of curved composite panel. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 235(12), 2808-2822.
8. Sahu, P., Sharma, N., Dewangan, H. C., & Panda, S. K. (2022). Theoretical prediction and experimental validity of thermal frequency responses of laminated advanced fiber-reinforced epoxy hybrid composite panel. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 22(08), 2250088.
9. Sahu, P., Sharma, N., Dewangan, H. C., & Panda, S. K. (2022). Thermo-mechanical transient flexure of glass-carbon-kevlar-reinforced hybrid curved composite shell panels: An experimental verification. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 14(01), 2150120.
10. Dewangan, H. C., Sharma, N., Thakur, M., Panda, S. K., & Sahu, P. (2022). Numerical thermo-mechanical bending analysis of hybrid layered composite curved panel and experimental validation. The European Physical Journal Plus, 137(1), 107.