On August 20, 2023, the volunteers from NSS SME, KIIT University, embarked on a meaningful journey to Nandan Vihar for a slum visit that left a lasting impact. The volunteers orchestrated an array of activities that aimed to spread awareness related to Dengue, Conjunctivitis diseases and also aimed to spread joy and create lasting memories for the children in the slum. After the pamphlets distributions regarding conjunctivitis and dengue, the event was not only marked by vibrant Drawing Competition that ignited the children's creativity but also by spirited dance sessions that brought together the volunteers and children in shared merriment. As a token of love from the volunteers, every child was presented with chocolates, further adding to the warmth of the occasion. About the activity, it was about creating disease free societies and building bridges, creating memories, and leaving behind smiles that would continue to brighten days long after the event concluded.